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Happy Birthday, Mom

Well, my mom is officially 50. I wish I could have gotten on yesterday and posted, but y'all knew already, right? I spent yesterday with her. Whee! It's good when your parents love you. She seemed happy with my gifts, which makes me happy, and we had some wonderful food, including this really good chocolate mousse cake with funky ruffled chocolate on top. Mmm. So,

Happy 50th, Mom!

a little late.

It's my MyPoints anniversary today...I like this thing because you literally check your email and they give you points. You never have to buy a thing. Of course, it takes a lot longer to save for anything, but I'm waiting for my $50 gift certificate...check it out, and if you decide to sign up, tell 'em JLSHEW sent ya. wink

The Haunted Mansion and Timeline come out today, both of which I want to see and neither of which I'm likely to see until after thanksgiving. Ah well. I have so much to do tonight...clean the bathroom, take out the trash, dishes, pack for the trip...sigh. When am I gonna watch my shows? lol. Yes, I know I'm obsessed. Although not quite as obsessed as I am about LotR. The official soundtrack site was finally updated so I bought my Internet-only special edition...I can't wait! I've heard clips and it sounds wonderful.

Got the Matrix Revolutions soundtrack and Sarah McLachlan's new cd...I'll let you know if I like them.

I can't wait for Pirates on dvd! I'll have to find out how much it's selling for...I'd like to have it on 'the day' if possible wink If you find good prices let me know!

Yay for holiday breaks. I'm so happy. Whee turkey!

file under: celebration , reallife
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