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Two weeks notice

Or actually, 13 days. I was going to mention the fact that the movie I've been waiting all year for is coming out in two weeks yesterday, but what with learning the ropes in the glucose transport lab I've not been able to goof off as much at work wink Got to talking about LotR with the guys in the lab and I of course showed off my geekiness in knowing exactly when the movie comes out and that I've already got my ticket for the midnight premiere...ah well.

Did I mention how I don't have a dvd player in my laptop? This is probably a good thing in the long run as it cuts down on procrastination. I still want a comp with a dvd drive though. But it wouldn't help me all that much anyway as even if I got a new one as it would only be good for watching a movie, say PotC, which has lots of enhanced PC dvd features. Meh. This is where I, defeated, admit I would like a PC for some reasons. Sigh. Silly people. Don't they realize that Mac-lovers are movie-watchers too?

Anyway, it's late, so I'm off to bed. Two weeks! I can't believe it. Must run dhea. Don't ask.

file under: lordoftherings , working
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