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What are the odds?

Extreme Caloric Restriction Dieters

You know the calorie restriction stuff I was working with Luigi on? Still am, sort of...well, there's going to be a 20/20 special on ABC tonight where they talk to a couple of the dieters, and amazingly enough, they're people we work with. I guess it's sort of a small group anyway, but it seems funny that out of all the people they could have chosen, I know them in sort of an abstract way. Just by blood, but still... wink

Don't forget, Orlando Bloom on Jay tonight as well! Whee!

file under: working


i like this guy and he likes me too. the problem is that both of us are too shy to talk to each other. he recently is dating some other girl. my friends tell me he is trying to get me jealous or at least my attention. Is that true?

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