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Late again

I just found out that the University College at my alma mater is offering an english lit class on Tolkien. Of course, registration started quite a while ago and the class is full. sigh. I could have gotten excited about that one. Maybe they'll offer it again, as this is the first time there's been a class like that...maybe next fall. I just love how I can't take anything that doesn't require a previous semester of class or that damn Organic Chemistry that I should have taken when I was in school. Gaaah! I don't want to be late anymore.

Perhaps that's why I ran...because it was something I could be first at. Something I could win. As long as you ran the race there was no way you could be late. Just last. and thank goodness I was never that.

Well, there's always tap dance, but I somehow doubt that the lab would like paying for that one. Having nothing at all to do with science, etc.

I want to take advantage of the tuition remission benefit that I get for working here...though since I (and my parents) have put so much into the school already doesn't it make sense that I should be able to take a class or two for free?

Mom keeps saying that if I paid as much attention to the things I do at work and back in school as I do to the Lord of the Rings I'd be much better off, and it's true. *sigh* Tell me again why no one wants to just pay me to write? Oh yeah, my standards are too high. Blah. I'm getting that scared feeling again about work. You know, am I doing well enough, am I working hard enough, am I learning anything that's worth what they're paying me? I even had a dream with some of my coworkers last night. It was a little offputting and for some reason had the gold medallion from Pirates in it. Go fig. I wasn't even watching Pirates last night. Foreboding.

*forlorn* why isn't the layout working?

file under: reallife , working
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