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15 hours and 45 minutes

Welcome to the first countdown to RotK for the day! Rest assured there will be more throughout the day wink

I still haven't decided whether to wear my costume or not. It would be really neat to, and if you look into last year's December entries, you'll see I swore I would have a costume ready to wear for the last one...er. I'll have to see how many layers I can fit underneath the silver frock and tunic...cause it's gonna be a cold one tonight. 26 and windy, if the forecast stays the same...your thoughts?

Ed. Note: In case anyone actually reads the time on these things, I really did post this around 9:15 am. For some reason the server clock thought it was an hour ahead...ah well. Hopefully it works now. Seriously. I can add.

file under: lordoftherings
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