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6 hours to go...

and questions, questions that need answering.

Q: Where can you buy Legolas's Bow? A: You can't. At least not an official replica and at least not yet. Hopefully they will sell one soon. You can buy an 'inspired-by' Mirkwood bow here and his daggers here.

Q: Graham Coulton A: Well, all I know about this band is that they opened for John Mayer during this past summer's tour. I believe the website is www.grahamcoulton.com, could be wrong. Pretty good band from what little I heard of them, since we got to the venue late because of traffic. Silly I-70.

Q: What is everyone in the cast going to do after the movie? How do you feel that you might never get to see each other again? A: For the grand scheme of things I refer you to TORn because I know they have the plans of the fellowship in their archives. I personally am looking forward to seeing the cast in different roles, especially Orlando, if that had escaped your notice. I'm sure the cast will get together often in the future, just nothing on the scale of LotR. And I really hope you know that I have nothing to do with the cast. Just a fangirl living too far from Hollywood to ever have met any of the cast.

Q: How does your Joseph Sugarman quote apply to Survivor? A: For those of you who aren't sure what this person is talking about: Each time you are honest and conduct yourself with honesty, a success force will drive you toward greater success. Each time you lie, even with a little white lie, there are strong forces pushing you toward failure. --Joseph Sugarman. This is a quote you'll occasionally see on my webpage, somewhere near the top, with the rest of the quotes. Obviously this quote has nothing to do with Survivor, and I'm sure Mr. Sugarman never intended it to be used in such a context, a context where lying is rewarded and honesty is ridiculed. Why are you asking me to think so hard?

Q: Buddy icons. A: I'm sorry, your answer must be in the form of a question. Yeah. If you're looking for a small collection of Legolas buddy icons, check out The Realm. Two of them are mine, the others are taken from site, which, I have no idea. Otherwise, try searching the web. Lots of people make avatars. Or you could visit Orlando Bloom @ FF and look for the avatar thread, or any of the boards there.

Q: why am i asking a question? A: I dunno, cause you were bored and clicked the button?

Q: isnt legolas/orlando bloom fit A: Yes, of course he is. All elves are naturally slim. And if he wasn't, I bet he wouldn't be such a heartthrob. Eh. Call me stereotypical.

THIS JUST IN! Q: sneak preview anywhere in CT A: Now why would you expect me to know that? Do I look like movietickets.com? I wish you luck and hope you find a place showing the midnight premiere.

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