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A good book is a good friend

Today was the second day I encountered this random guy wearing pink Converse sneakers on the way to work. You have to be pretty secure with yourself to wear pink, but a guy in pink sneaks? Ah well. If it makes him happy...

But in case you're wondering about the title of this entry, the book to the side I purchased on Christmas Eve while I was out at Chevy's with my mom. I started reading it that night and finished it late Sunday morning. So I read a little over a hundred pages a day. Not spectacular pacing, but better than I usually do, and I have the excuse of a holiday in there as well. But this writer, Robin Hobb...her previous two trilogies are amazing, and the trilogy Golden Fool is a part of is wonderful as well. You just keep reading and reading, wanting to know what happens but not wanting it to end...or that's just me, perhaps. But it is inspiring read such books, it makes me want to write something that would move people that way. I hope that someday I can see my name on the cover of a book that I'm proud of. Wouldn't it be nice if my New Year's resolution was to finish the book? Hah. I need new computer before I'd feel comfortable doing that. And I still need to figure out how it ends wink Any ideas? Take a look at what I've got so far (for public viewing, anyway... there's more chapters that only special people see. You have to email me if you want access for them...) and let me know what you think! Last night I turned on the comp only to just reread some of what I'd previously written. I do sound much different now than when I started. I'll have to go over the whole thing someday and change lots...but for now, just get a draft. A huge draft. I wonder how many pages it is already. All the chapters are at least ten pages long, typed single-spaced, and there's six plus a prologue finished...many thousands of words already and so much left to go. Would be nice to finish chapter 7 before the end of the year, but as that's in a little over a day I don't think it will happen...

I want the third book of the Tawny Man trilogy to come out now! Sigh. If only I lived in England wink it's already out there, but here we have to wait for February. So impatient am I! Better get writing on my own in the meantime...

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