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Bored now

Just because. Thanks Leo!

Today is like Monday even though it's Tuesday. Nothing to do, so far. I guess I should go ask people what's going on, but bleah. Amazing how I'm managed to waste three hours just sitting here at the computer. And I just dl'd a lot of photoshop brushes so maybe I'll try making some LJ icons. Maybe. I'm so bad.

Any ideas as to what I should be thinking about for the next layout? For anything? I know there's a lot of html (or php'ing for that matter) that I should be doing but I'm laaaazy today and don't wanna. Sheesh. That was mature.

Pray for my mom that she gets good information back from her tests that she has to take in Milwalkee tomorrow. They're gone until thursday which is sad because thursday is chinese new year...and it's my year! Well, it's everyone who was born in my year's year...the year of the monkey! Go clever monkeys...

yeah. bored. No comments on my thoughful post last night?

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