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It's back! Sort of.

Well, welcome back to etoiline.com. I hope things are working more or less as they should, though the 'dreamer,' 'content,' and 'realm' areas of the site are not up and won't be until I get a change to rewrite the php which caused the lovely downness of this site in the first place. And would you believe that I CAN'T SEE MY PAGE ON MY COMPUTER! This is not the normal computer I work on. Sigh. Quit caching my page, dammit!

Today is going to be hell. It was gonna be hell before I learned that our newly part-time tech Mark (the semi-cute guy) was sick today and won't be in. Now it might be slightly less hell because we might not do a part of the exp since there's one fewer pair of hands, but I've still got two different isolations to do today and Luigi can't help since he's busy upstairs. sigh.

Lovely to have a rant on the first day back, eh? By the way, Kate, if you see this...the Moonstone Chronicles are back up, as are the Decadence chapters smile

Anyone out there have trouble with installing Movable Type? lol. I feel disloyal typing that in Greymatter wink

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