Oscar Countdown
Happy Leap Day! Those of you with birthdays today...I'm sorry
Couldn't let the day pass without commemorating the once-every-four-years day...
So the Academy Awards are about to start, and you know what movie I'm rooting for
I hope LotR wins all the things it's nominated for, unless Pirates wins something in the categories they're head to head in...and wouldn't it be great if Johnny Depp won? btw, Angelina Jolie looks really good tonight. Wonder if Orlando will be there?
I realize things are all wonky with the blog layout, but I'm working on it. Feel free to comment on what you want me to do with it. At least I got Movable Type working. There will be a new layout sometime soon, probably getting ready for the next Bloom movie, Troy
Hostees, I'm still working on the ftp bit. Please let me know how things are going with your site! I hope people with email addys through me are getting all their mail. Let me know if you aren't!
*fingers crossed for LotR: RotK* Here goes!