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I hope you're wearing your green

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

This is one of my favorite holidays because a) you're supposed to wear green, and that's my favorite color (in case you didn't notice ;) ) and b) it's on the 17th, which happens to be one of my favorite numbers. So it's a good thing. But this day is going to suck, really. I'm about to start on two isolations...and I have to pick up two bloods...can't mix up the plasmas this time...and I have to try to finish early enough to head over to the DMV because some jerk stole my tabs...and I have to call my dad and tell him that the car needs to be worked on (smoke from the hood is generally a bad thing) and that means that I should probably fix the airbag and the windshield wipers...

but then I get to go out tonight. That should be good. As long as I remember to tape Survivor ;)

So happy St. Pat's ... I hope yours is less busy than mine!

file under: celebration
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