Two truths and a lie
You guys have heard of the icebreaker game Two Truths and a Lie, right? It's pretty simple. I tell you three statements and you have to figure out which one isn't true. Find more at DNW 2Truth1Lie!
Before you read this entry, check out this picture of me so you know what I look like. For those of you who know me pretty well (or can read this website), this won't be hard to figure out.
I actually did this icebreaker when I was a junior in college living in the new (at the time) Nemerov dorm. All the students living there got together in the huge lounge and we did a couple of these things...of course, we all forgot the people on other floors' names as soon as we went back to our own, but it was a good idea at the time... and I have to say, no one figured it out.
So here you go, my three statements:
1. Both my parents are artists and work in the art field.
2. I majored in Biomedical Engineering.
3. I am half Cherokee Indian, half Caucasian.
(See why I had you look at the picture?)
Number 3 is the lie. I am only a very small percentage mother is the last person genologically to qualify for the American Indian scholarship, had she done so, and she's something like 1/256 Cherokee
I'm actually half Chinese, half english-french-irish-scottish and the tiny bit of aforementioned american indian. You'd have probably figured this out if you read the sidebar information...but no one at that icebreaker could wrap their minds around the fact that the daughter of two artists would major in BME, a super-scientific field. Well, I did, and here I am not using it
Aspire II has been updated. Fixed that silly picture "x" as well. Still need to work on the mini pages. Need to fix stuff on the Dreamer pages. Need to add content, cd list, dvd list. Eventually.