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It's an anniversary but it's not happy...and those crazy calorie restriced people

Today is the fifth anniversary of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton Colorado. I can't believe it's been five years. I hope that the people out there have come to terms with what happened. My deepest sympathy.

And yesterday was the ninth anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. It doesn't seem like it happened so long ago. CNN.com - Families observe Oklahoma bombing anniversary as Nichols trial resumes - Apr 19, 2004

And on a slightly lighter note...Luigi just had his first big paper come out in PNAS (which is a really important scientific journal) and he has been fielding interviews all over the place. Now you too can know what I work on. Er, sort of. I didn't actually do any work on this paper, but I'm happy for him anyway. He was interviewed for the Post-Dispatch which you can read here, and for many many other publications and/or shows around the world, which you can search here. And that Tina Hesman you see as the author for a bunch of those stories...she's the medical reporter for the Post. Yay, StL! And the Post Weatherbird 'bird line' refers to the (below the fold, but!) front-page story. Heh. Like the Weatherbird needs to lose some weight ;)

Heh. I just got a call from WGN radio in Chicago...they wanted to talk to Dr. Holloszy who is my ultimate boss. Whee! National coverage is fun. And yes, if you were watching channel 2 news last night, that was in fact my boss ;)

file under: serious , working
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