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Goodie Two Shoes


::Goodie Two Shoes::
Onesome: Goodie-- What is your your favorite "goodie" you treat yourself to when you've finished a project or maybe even just survived a long day? Ice cream? ...a long bath? ...a good book? A good book, definitely. Usually tv watching as well.
Twosome: Two-- Quick! Two things that make you smile! No thinking, just write! Reading a good book and working out a problem with web design so it looks all pretty.
Threesome: Shoes-- ...and how about your favorite pair of shoes? You know, the ones you look for an occasion to wear! (Yes, guys that ratty pair of tennis shoes does count...) I love my new mocs. They're so comfortable...but they're not completely waterproof so I have to make sure it's not going to rain before I wear them. And they're still new enough that they look good as long as I'm being relatively casual.

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