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all in the name of science

I'm going to complain a little here about having to trek from the Yalem building up to the 9th floor of the CSRB so I can spin something for six minutes. But it's ok, it gives me exercise...and it's ALL FOR THE GOOD OF SCIENCE! I have to keep reminding myself of that. Ah, the lovely grunt work that goes along with the glory...alas, that's what the tech (read: me) is for...

and how unfortunate that it's raining for WILD. I'm just not in the mood for getting wet however much free pizza they give out. And Live is playing...never really been that huge a fan, except for the one song that the movie The Beach used in their ads...eh.

I want posters for my room! I want the elven and Rohan banners from lotrfanclub.com and I want the ned kelly poster and I want some OB posters...I can't believe I've been in the apartment for...*counts* nearly seven months and I haven't put nearly enough posters up...I want the Troy 'For Love' poster... *whine* Stupid IRS. damn you for taking my money. Ah well.

I need to write more. At least those silly 4- and 6-minute spins gave me some time to think. The notebook is getting fuller...I'll need a new one soon. The cover's almost falling off this one.

Happy weekend! Wahoo!

file under: rants


What do you have to... spin things... for? Sorry, I'm confused. Heh.
Live. For some reason, I feel like that should ring a bell. Ah, I'll think of it later, most likely, in the middle of doing something else.

Hah, I saw your countdown thing and jumped. I didn't realize how soon Troy is coming out! Squee!

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