what's behind the door
Remember when I told you about the new JK Rowling site? Well, that damn door finally opens. I had quite a bit of help from Alice, whose instructions I repeat here, under the extended entry for those of you who don't wish to be spoiled...because it has to do with the title of the sixth book
Go visit Alice, who is the first person to actually make use of the PLUGBOARD! Yes, that means you. If you have a button, as long as it's 100x35 or smaller, please post it! Yay traffic (small but subtle) increase for you
Who wants to know the title for Harry Potter book six?!
1. Go on www.jkrowling.com
2. Click on the hair tie next to the key
3. Click on the door (in case you didn't know, it's been locked for AGES)
4. Right, from here it's irritating. There are five bricks you can click on, and you must click on them in a specific order.
First - 7th row, 4th brick
Second - 19th row, 4th brick
Third - 5th row, 2nd brick
Fourth - 22nd row, 3rd brick
Fifth - 3rd row, 4th brick
5. The wall should move. Click on the fan, and the papers on the desk will move and tell you what the new title is.
Or if you can't be bothered to go but still want to know (ha, rhyming), highlight the following text: Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince.
Be warned that this might not in fact be the new title, as this was the rumoured title for CoS many years ago. But isn't it intriguing?