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does whatever a spider can...

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Ok...saw Spider-man 2 last night at midnight. Yay! Good stuff. I don't know if it surpasses the first one overall, but it was quite fun and I came out smiling so that is definitely worth two thumbs up. Following are the random thoughts that I came up with around 3:17 am last night so I would remember something to write today :)

CAUTION! There will be spoilers. Go see it! Then discuss.

*Peter gets the girl this time! Although wtf with the last image of the movie being MJ's depressed face?
*Gooood kiss at the end. Aha! Requited love! and blast, police sirens...
*Re: ripping fabric during the train-stop scene...wouldn't shoulder joints tear first? Eh. Silly biology. Love that the gloves are still pristene after holding onto all those webs under such pressure.
*So does John Jameson's leap there at the end mean anything? I've heard rumors about ManWolf...
*Squee! Shirtless!Tobey! haha.
*Poor Harry. He spent the movie getting drunk and pissed off at Spidey. Understandable I guess, but there's only so much emoting you can do while drunk...and wtf hearing voices now? I've heard he takes up the Green Goblin mantle which is clearly forshadowed here, but let's face it, even in the wizarding world, hearing voices isn't a good sign. Ha. And thank goodness the movie didn't end with him picking up one of the performance enhancer tubes! And eek! re: Murderous!Harry. Not so keen on killing your best bud, are ya?
*MJ's wedding dress...fluff much? She looked a little like meringe.
*Tobey Maguire is good at earnest faces. I can't quite decide if I think he's cute or just good with emotions.

(Spidey holds up an wall made entirely of I-beams and other random metal objects, thereby saving MJ from a particularly nasty death by squishing.)

"This is kinda heavy."

MERF! Hah. Not really a time for small talk, eh?

*I'm glad I watched the Today show interview with Tobey yesterday because Matt Lauer explicitly said Spidey would lose his powers, and Tobey said why...he was stressed out and not sleeping/eating enough, etc. I guess I could have missed it but I didn't really feel like they explained why he was suddenly webless.
*It's painful to watch Spidey/Peter fall, get punched, sliced up, etc. Or at least it was for me. I think this is good because it means you're really relating to the characters!
*Doc Ock's "I don't want to die a monster." But...he did, didn't he? Still had those arms at the end...
*Peter's reveal as Spidey. Good stuff! Each character/group that saw it reacted differently but appropriately. I love how he got his mask back. Amazingly resilient stuff, that spandex...apparently capable of sealing itself around his neck. It's the amazing invisible seam! And the I-can't-see-so-I'm-taking-off-my-mask works until he puts it back on and the eyeshields are magically clean again. Maybe the kids cleaned them off.
*Yay for telling the truth to Aunt May about Uncle Ben's death. Well-acted scene.
*So Peter's behind in his rent for the whole first part of the movie and then it never comes up again. He hasn't been making any money, so...? Ah well. Continuity sucks sometimes.
*Er, Russian Rent Girl...sorry, but there's nothing there. Thanks for the cake, though.
*The big-lips girlfriend from "24" was one of MJ's friends.
*Lovely look with the sliced up spidersuit. If he had to take that one back from JJ Jameson, what's he gonna do now? And where does he get all that spandex and rubber from anyway?
*Evil Dead moment, anyone? Per se, the hospital?
*Yay PissedOff!Peter after the deli scene. Good imagery with the fisting hand.
*Definitely some adrenaline rushes and startling moments. yay!
*Will Peter ever finish college? Will he ever get a job that pays him to websling? Will he ever write his paper on fusion, now that his subject is at the bottom of a lake?
*Poor Jilted!John, actually left at the altar by Meringe!MJ! haha.
*Eeek! Barbed Wire! Ha! I laugh at you, Barbed Wire, you mean nothing to me. I shall break these bonds in front of Harry because I can!
*Hah. J Jonah Jameson: "Call the caterer. Tell her not to open the caviar."
*I loved the reverent catching of Spidey when he's about to fall off the train after saving it. Awww! NY'ers really do care!
*Giant-web-spinning!Spidey...guess it's easier to set up than a hammock, but wtf anyway? It just looked a little silly. But Tobey did look good up there.

The characters seemed real, relatable, reasonable in their decisions, even if they were awkward or hard or strange. People you'd be friends with, as long as they weren't madmen. Peter does seem to make enemies easily. Good thing there's going to be another one. I adore the gymnastic poses Spidey has when he's (momentarily) stopped. I find it somewhat ironic that the good-evil struggle was between Spider-man, who it would make sense to have eight limbs but only has four, and Doc Ock, who is supposed to have only four limbs and ends up with eight, and whose name is ingeniously poised to accept that. Whatever.

I loved the opening credits. They essentially recapped the first movie in a series of great watercolors, except for a few headshots of MJ, until the last scene where a painting morphs into a billboard with her face on it. Man I wish I could paint like that.

listening to  Spider-man 2 soundtrack: Spidey Suite

file under: movies


-MJ was depressed through the entire movie. The end was the first time she smiled. So nice! ...so, ditto on the last image being her depressed face again. I guess it's to foreshadow problems that are bound to abound in the sequel in 2007.
-Harry did pick up the enhancer tubes, though!
-Tobey Maguire both cute and good with emotions is my guess.
-I was satisfied enough without them telling us WHY he was losing his webbing. He was having emotional troubles. That's good enough for me. It's a combination of performance anxiety and depression and loneliness and lack of recognition for anything he does. He's misunderstood. That's hard enough for normal people to get past, not to mention a superhero!!
-Doc Ock redeemed himself! He may have been a monster in form, but not in heart and spirit!

Yes, the beginning was awesome. It was a great way to open the movie, with those shots -

Argh, I was going to say "the best thing was..." and then I forgot what was coming next. Perhaps later this shall be amended.

As I was telling Alex last night, Spiderman must be just a horrible person: all these people around him turn into horrible super-villains. Seriously, how many friends can you have turn into amazing villains? Doesn't that mean there might be something wrong with you? ;-)

Ah ha!

I comment again. Are you going to just have fan-fiction type stuff on fictionary, or is it more like anything goes?

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