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Benefits and bummers

When I was browsing around the John Mayer fanclub site yesterday (wondering where my membership kit was), I found out that a new benefit for fanclub members was a chance to attend the soundcheck party before the show. Now, this is really cool, and I would love to go. But, problems...of course. See, I'm seeing the concert with my aunt and my cousin, which is wonderful, because I hate going to concerts alone...but guests aren't allowed at the party. Just the fanclub member. And the party starts at 3:15 in the afternoon, which means that I'd have to leave work pretty darn early to get out there. Which poses another problem...I really don't want to have to drive out there myself, because it would mean two cars to deal with. So I'd have to find someone to drive me out there and then have some way to meet up with my aunt and cousin without the use of a cell phone. And, while cameras are allowed at the soundcheck, they're not (I'm pretty sure) allowed at the concert itself. So once we've gotten past all the meeting up in the first place I'd have to have someone tell me where the car is so I can put the camera there. Stupid UMB for not having lockers, or not allowing cameras in the first place. Boo.

So, anyone wanna drive me? Maybe I'll take a day off. Can't take the day off, have work to do. Damn. Nothing in my life is easy.

But hopefully this weekend I'll meet some nice peopleGrobanites at the meet&greet before the Josh Groban concert on sunday. This should be interesting...never actually met up with music fans before...must find a yellow rose because apparently that's what shows you're a fan.

Anyone wanna go to the Hanson concert with me? lol. Don't think there'll be many takers there. But it's at the Pageant, a really cool venue in town (much nicer than UMB, I agree with Alex) and it's pretty cheap, and Hanson is a good band despite their pop image.

I want to see Harry Potter and Spider-man 2 again. I'm so silly ;)

file under: music


Miss Concert, eh? I missed a chance to see John Mayer perform at a free concert when I went to New York, so your talk of going to see him is making me extremely jealous =P have fun at the Hanson concert!

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