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stupid spam, stupid class

MT-Blacklist -> Adding Spammers Based On Email Address
So this Bob dude likes spamming. Every day it's a different email address and IP number. Blacklist keeps some of them out once you've banned a certain url, but NOW I HAVE THE POWER! Mwahaha. I can block regex email! Ha. Thank you Jay Allen.

Silly Cardinals, losing last night. Hope they win the next two games. Because while they're already in the playoffs it would be a shame to let themselves lose going into it!

Another long day ahead, must search for a serum sample then jump right into an ELISA. Then class. I actually brought my orgo text to work today. During those lovely long-ass incubation periods theoretically I could get the reading done for tonight and possibly even do some homework! Yeah.

Smallville and Lost (with Dominic Monaghan from LotR) as well as the latest entry from CSI (CSI:NY) premiere tonight. How exciting! I need a TiVo.

I'm not really that mad at spam or class...just annoying to have to do so much to make them bearable. Yeah. Later, peeps.

listening to  Kelly Clarkson: Breakaway

file under: rants
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