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second star to the right

So you probably noticed there's a new layout. I don't know what it is about me and layouts but I just don't have a quick turnaround with them. Had the picture done about two weeks ago but was just now able to get all the coding done. Hah. Done. There are still some weird things, like why my posts are getting progressively more indented as the archives scroll on...guess I'll have to look at the code again. Ah well. Hope you like. Feel free to comment or gripe. It's still in progress, be warned.

And yes, I know that the Peter Pan movie came out last year and the dvd came out way back in May, but I just got it myself and truly adored it. Jeremy Sumpter is too cute for words and another notch in the 'jailbait' section. I don't care. The picture was too much fun. Thank you ohsomuch to Thia for her glorious star brushes. Exactly what I was looking for.

Happy Friday before Halloween! Yay dress-up time!

[ETA: I can't believe how many times I've had to open up this editing window to fix that thing or the other. It seems it never ends! Sigh. Adult ADD anyone?]

listening to  Something Corporate: As You Sleep

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