a silly sort of proud
So I changed my windshield wipers this weekend, which was a big deal for me, even though they're very easy to change. It took me a while, of course, because while they tell you how to put them on (which is, indeed, easy) they don't tell you how to take the old blades off, and looking in the manual was no help. So yay for fiddling around with machinery and making it work. And I've never seen my windshield so clean. It was definitely time for some new ones, as there were two cracks in the driver's side blade (right where you look through the glass, natch) and the passenger side blade decided to come completely out of the casing and had started to scratch the windshield. Not a pleasant experience to have metal screeching across glass. So unlike the bike, I can go to Target and buy replacement blades (thanks for clueing me into that, Kate) and install myself and fix things! Yay for cheaper.
I went climbing with Doug from Friendster
on Friday night. It was a weird experience, not that I didn't like it, just that it's a little odd to meet someone for the first time at a climbing gym. And unfortunately I didn't ever make it to the top...after three tries I could barely grip anything, much less pull myself up a wall. That's a little disappointing, being that I used to be in pretty good shape (I swear, forces are conspiring against me getting back in shape, namely winter and voracious squirrels) but I did make it about halfway. It's a very weird feeling to not be able to fist your hands. Doug's a nice guy, a chemical engineer for a company in town. I felt kind of bad because he had to do all the work...since I wasn't 'certified' to belay he had to use an autobelayer to climb, which isn't as good as another person. Perhaps one of these days I'll be able to do that...we'll see. I'd like to go again, Doug knows what he's doing (he's very tall, though, so it makes it a lot easier for him to climb!) but I don't know when that will be.
Kate and I were talking about things to do before we die, and I have to admit, I really want to get out and do more outdoorsy stuff. I really want to do whitewater rafting again, gallop on a horse, that sort of thing. One of these days, I swear. I'm not going to be like the people Richard Gere's character talks about in 'Shall We Dance' ...the ones that don't change, that don't go and do the things they talk about in their will (he's a lawyer of whatever type writes wills). Just gotta get out there and do it.
and since for some reason I couldn't upload it yesterday (silly site downtime)...
Yay for blind dates?
Posted by: your former roommate | February 15, 2005 1:47 PM
That sounds like a really cool first-meeting place though! I've only gone rock-climbing once, and I wasn't so hot at it. Haha. Maybe I'll try again sometime in the future, but I'm pretty scared of heights, so I don't know. Heh.
Oh and when I asked about taking the sign, I meant put it up in my fansign/gifts section. Well, I know it's not really a fansign, but it just looks nice. Heh. And of course I'd credit you!
Posted by: Crystal | February 15, 2005 5:57 PM