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learn to be lonely...

...or make new layouts. (the title is from the Oscar-nominatee for Best Song from the movie version of Phantom, sung by Minnie Driver in the film and Beyonce on the show, for some unknown reason...) I've actually had this done for a while, just never got around to putting it up. I was a little busy, if you hadn't noticed. Hopefully this layout will only be up for a few months, as I hope to do something cool for Kingdom of Heaven, and that opens in May...we'll see, I suppose. I need good pictures first.

And on the computer front...things are going ok, mostly. There are some printer issues, but perhaps it will work out. It's very pretty, though, and sometimes it jumps on someone's wireless network, though it's titled my apartment number. Weird. I have to restrain myself from playing with it, since there are more important things to do like studying for orgo (speaking of which, I think the lab midterm was a near total disaster; thank goodness it's only worth a lab report). I could tell you all about the damn 3 am printing session last friday/saturday night, but that would take up too much time before orgo starts. Don't you just love it when you're very far behind in reading? Boo.

I still want a vacation, but I doubt I'll get a raise anytime soon, so said vacation, if it happens at all, would not consist of a trip. Alas for me and my lazing desires. Oh well. Better study while I can. And yes, I know there are things wrong with the layout. I will fix them. Soon. Just not now. Now is class. Adieu.

listening to  Tonight, Jars of Clay

file under: webetcetera


I love the layout. We finally went to see the Phantom of the Opera last month, and yes, it was great, just like you said. So, I throughly enjoy the layout. Although, it's a little hard to read your daily blog things. Maybe the font's too small and dark, or it needs to be bolded...

Did you end up getting fast internet at the apartment? ...I want a new computer too!

And, you should come to visit us! Amtrak tickets aren't that expensive. We would have fun!

This layout is beautiful. The colours look great together and the header image looks amazing.
hmm, I'm having issues with my printer too...small world, isn't it?

Hey dear! Wow! New Lay out...Bravo! Wonderful!Wonderful!
I really love the colour and everything...just a thought though why is our blog not included in your roll call.hehehehe..Just wondering.

I love you dear and if you need to talk or just rant and rave. I am here ya' know!

where have you gone? new posts! :-p

Can you please tell me how to get the URL for "learn to be lonly" please email me if you know.

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