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It's fitting that even though this is the first week of spring, today has been dark and rainy and will continue to be, since he loved the rain. A year ago today my uncle Johnnie died. I still can't believe it's true. It doesn't seem possible. But it is, and it's so sad to think about. So mostly, I try not to. But there's always that little niggling thought in there. Every time I pass by the hospital where he died, I remember, every time I visit my cousin or my aunt at what I still think of as 'his' house, I remember. I know that he's so much better now, where there is no pain and much love, but I miss him. I pass by the cemetery that he's buried in every time I visit my parents, but I've only been there once. I'm not even sure where his grave is. God. It's hard.

Family is coming in today. I hope we can get things taken care of, like the website, which has, unbelievably, taken this entire year to work through. Hopefully we'll get it all worked out. Also hoping to get off a little early from work so I can see them earlier. There's nothing I'd like so much right now than a hug from my family.

On the upside, Luigi asked if I could stay on at work until May, which is a good thing, though I still need to find another job. Haven't heard anything from the person I talked to last week, but I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Here's hoping that I find something soon.

listening to  a moment of silence

file under: serious


I'm glad you get to work through May. I'm sure it's a slight relief.


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