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it's been a quarter-century

it's MY day

Happy Birthday to me. Yes indeedy, I am 25 today. Two and a half decades. Egad. I feel so old compared to most of my friends. I know that there are people out there my age, but where did they all go? Eh. Happy thoughts. Friends coming into town, parents bringing fondue for lunch (who needs the Melting Pot when you've got parents with a fondue pot?), probable drunkeness tonight, and a new futon. Whee!

I'm a little surprised that I didn't get more cards in the mail (the only one is from my grandparents who sent it last month :( ) but maybe more will come today. Or maybe not. I don't guess it's all that big of a deal. I'm old enough that presents/cards shouldn't matter, right? (But come on. It's still a lot of fun to get mail...) I'm hoping a package of perfumes that I ordered will come today, that would make a nice birthday present. It's not a digital camera, but hey, it smells good and that makes me happy.

I hope you all have a wonderful day. I'll tell you about the MCAT and Amanda's wedding and etc etc, later.

listening to  Elizabethtown soundtrack, courtesy of Etown.com

file under: celebration


The post that I tried before...
Happy birthday again! Maybe you should celebrate by making a new layout for the upcoming football season. Maybe a Bulger and Holt collage :-)

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