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It's weird to be without a computer. There are days when I don't touch it at all, it just sits there resting quietly on my desk, the white light of sleep pulsing slowly...then there are days when I spend hours on it. But when you don't have it, you think of all the things you do with it, that you'd really like to do rightnow and can't. Like I would have told my story to some friends on AIM. Or wrote down a few ideas for the story. Man my hand is going to be cramped for a few days.

Sounds like I'll be lucky to get the comp back on Wednesday, since I got to the store too late yesterday to have it shipped off to the repair depot that day, and it will probably take them about a week. Wednesday is not too bad, it's only the 2nd of November, but it's still two days where I can't write at night. Cece has volunteered her laptop, but I can't monopolize it for the 1st week of NaNo if I don't have a comp. Sigh. Anyone have a spare comp they'd let me borrow for a week?

Also have to cross your fingers and pray that the hard drive doesn't get wiped. Apparently the repair place is like an assembly line, they run some diagnostic tests and then send the comp to wherever the repair for the crucked part is. And if the diagnostic test finds that something in the hard drive is corrupt, it might get replaced or wiped, even if that's not what was originally wrong, and that's not cool. The genius at the store (that's what they call themselves. Not joking. They certainly know more than I do about Macs) said it was probably a logic board problem, something with the video output, which has nothing to do with the hd, so I'm to understand, and only 1% of computers come back with a wiped drive, but still. *sniff* I still have the old computer with all the OS 9 stuff on it, hard as it is to read, but I really don't want to have to transfer it.

Just to make me feel better, I got a notice today from Yahoo! that my account (which I've had for years) was deactivated due to violation of terms of service. You know me, I don't send out spam, I don't post lewd pictures. I don't use my Yahoo Mail account anyway, so I couldn't do that through email.If that's happening, it's because someone else is using my account fraudulently. I listen to LAUNCH, I use Yahoo Groups and am on a few mailing lists through Yahoo. I play games there and look for movie information. If that's an inactive account, I'd hate to see an active. So hopefully that will get taken care of, but I'm still waiting for an answer to the email I sent back in reply.

It's never easy. But then again, if it were easy, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great.

file under: muses
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