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Happy Almost Christmas

Merry Christmas, Every One

It's 57 degrees outside, and it's two days till Christmas. I just love St. Louis weather. But since it is such a nice day, I think we (the family, together for Christmas for the first time in a while, yahoo!) will go to the Wild Lights at the Zoo and the Titanic exhibit at the Science Center. Whee!

Funny-ness for you:

My parents' answering machine is very good at garbling even the most clear of messages, so it's not much of a surprise that my cousin's message about tonight's activities was a little misunderstood.

My mom called her back, asking, "Did you really say 'Let's go to the tight-fisted boobies' on that message?"

"No, it was lights at the zoo."

I guess it's a little funnier when you hear it, but I laughed. Here's to leaving early on Fridays. Enjoy your holidays! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Whatever your method of celebration, make sure you have a good time.

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