things that are not cool
I hate truly dislike the following:
being sick. broken furnaces. forgetting to print out documents needed for the early morning screen the day you get back from vacation. Oh, and freakishly bright blue headlights on cars at night.
Guess which ones were around to bug me this weekend? Oh yes. I'm sick, most likely an effect from my Vegas trip, which I might tell you about someday (I have pictures, really!). The furnace is broken (though we still paid for the gas it used as long as it was kicking on and determining that there was, in fact, no pilot light to be lit), supposedly being fixed today (thank you maintenance!) which might have contributed to me being sick. And I did, of course, feel crappy on Friday, therefore I was a little scatterbrained, therefore I forgot to print out the forms for the subject today. Sigh. I guess it will all work out, as the sickness is better (though not gone...begone, thou foul plague! er.) the furnace should be okay when I get home, and the screen went well today.
On the happy side, I saw the Senior Womens Free Championships in ice skating this weekend. We got to see the ladies that will go on to the Olympics
Thanks to Daddy's influential friends, lol. It was cool to see people who were celebrities, or nearly that, and it was odd to realize that even the best in the nation fall sometimes.
And for something completely different: Kate finally got me into a salon for a (just a little belated) birthday present, and yes indeed folks, I have short hair. It's...very curly. I like it, it will just take getting used to. And a lot more hair product. I will have pictures for you, perhaps when I don't feel quite so sick.
Back to work.