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All hail the blue bird

Say goodbye to Sapphire, my little blue parakeet. He's off to the big bird place in the sky :(

Sapphire was close to thirteen years old. We're not sure of his exact age because he was a few months old when I got him for my thirteenth birthday, along with the albino hamster Ruby (Yes, I had silly naming conventions when I was younger). He used to do one trick when he was younger: the Turnaround. He'd cling to the corner of his cage and flip his upper body through his legs.

In recent years he'd really taken an interest in the bell of the circular roost than hung from the top of his cage. He could ring that bell for hours, and often did. He also imitated the "leave your message after the beep" beep of the answering machine.

I'm sort of amazed that he lasted this long, but it was sad to see him so sick. I bet the cold weather didn't help, and the fact that I was seriously sick while at my parents place recently probably accelerated things.

I hope you're happy wherever you are, pretty bird. May you have unlimited seeds and a big bell to ring.

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