Proven Guilty: a review
Anyway, last night I went to the St. Louis Writer's Meetup like I do every month, and having heard that the newest Dresden Files book had been seen over a week early (amazon says it's due out May 2) at other Borders 'round the country, I thought I'd have a look. I fully expected this one to be as it normally is and not have it, and a glance at the Butcher shelf proved me right. Sort of. The paperback version of the current penultimate book was also to have come out May 2nd, but there were two copies on the shelf. No Proven Guilty, though. So I thought, okay, my luck isn't that good, but hopefully I perused the endcaps nearby...and there were five copies on one. Sweet!
(What's not so sweet is that I bought duplicates of some magazines I already had. Again. I really need to just subscribe so I stop paying newsstand prices. Twice.)
I also had the interesting dilemma that once I got home last night, I was in the middle of two books by the same author at the same time. I had already reread all the Dresden Files, and had started on the Codex Alera last weekend (the first book was my MCAT escape during the test
). I'd just started the
yesterday morning. I wasn't expecting to have Proven Guilty until next week, but obviously I took a break from the reread of Academ's Fury to read the new one
Oh, so now you want the review, eh? Possible spoilers. Read on at your own risk...
I tore through this one, pretty much. I started reading around 10 pm, after my meeting was over, and stayed up till (gulp) 3:15 am. I was in bed, though, so at least my body was resting...
I liked this one. Probably not as much as some of the other Dresden Files (I've yet to put them in "most liked" order, so I'm not sure which is my favorite right now) but it was good. Jim Butcher has a way of injecting humor into the most serious of situations, and of dropping bombs on you that were not expected. His writing flows very well, and I think I caught only one copy-editing mistake (that's what you get for first editions, but much, much, better than the first-run hardbacks by Laurell K Hamilton). I have to admit, I'm in awe of the way he can switch from comedic fantastical crime to high fantasy. Reading both series at the same time will give you that insight, I guess
This one didn't give me quite the tingle that others did, though I'm glad we got to see so many bits from other books in the series. Too bad Harry's not getting the romance he needs (no comments on my love life, thanks) and there's still a bunch of questions hanging around. We still haven't gotten the big picture of who (or what) is behind all the maniacal goings-on in the world of that other wizard called Harry, but as I just read, there are 20 predicted books in this series, so I guess it would be silly to unveil that plan for world domination just yet
I really want to know what Mouse is (aside from a Caucasian, hahah) and I would have liked to see more of Bob. And Little Chicago? So all that power went back to Harry. What did he do with it? Was that all that let him get through what he went through? The writing about SplatterCon!!! (misspelled without the exclaimation points) makes me want to get to a con again. Maybe soon. Molly was a nice character, and it will be interesting to see how she and Harry get along. So he can't be in a mentor-apprentice relationship without some sort of sexual tension (ie Elaine)? Hmm.
Of course, now that I've read it, I can't wait for the next one. Maybe we'll see Butters and his amazing polka skills again. Would have liked to have seen Warden Luccio more. Wonder what will happen with the Merlin. Seems like Harry's either being set up to take a great fall or great responsibility. Oh, wait. He already has that...
And speaking of Peter Parker, Jim Butcher is putting out a Spiderman novel later in the year, and the third book in the Codex Alera comes out in December. Joy.
My boss is out for a few days, but I still should get to work. See you on the flip side.