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good mood

Writing is exhilarating, when it's working. It's mostly working right now. I finally got out of the boring beginning (yes, I admit it, it's boring right now. That will change, I hope) and presented the conflict. Sort of. Now I get to rush to the end, because I'm fighting both time and word count limits. But I'm a sprinter, and I have a kick.

Heh. Hot damn. I was worried there for a bit that the fairy tale I was working on wasn't going to end up with any fairies in it.

Wanna see my Harry? No, not that Harry. Not that other Harry, either, though admittedly influenced by him. The Harry of my story. Funny how I have no problem finding guys to model my characters after, but the girls are much more difficult. Anyway. this guy is quite a muse.

Back to work. Both kinds.

listening to  Pompeii, E.S. Posthumus

file under: writings
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