Some of you out there will say I told you so, but I did end up deciding to see the midnight premiere of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest tonight. I bought a ticket yesterday when I bought milk. Ah, the joys of having a theater right next to the grocery store. There's a possibility that my new roommie will come too, but I don't count on it. She's a little flighty.
In case you're somehow reading this on a feed and don't realize the pretty pictures surrounding the entry, I put up a new layout for Pirates. I enjoy it. It's not quite unkinked yet, unfortunately, but that's partly because I got the thing uploaded during the course of several late-night coding sessions. And as much as I know I'm a night owl, I was not thinking all that clearly...
I had a subject not show up today due to sickness, so I got to work early for no reason. At least the subject didn't get lost like the last one did. And there's a softball game tonight, so we'll see how well I do tomorrow, being horribly sleep deprived. Though that's not unusual for me
It'll be a long day...strange to think that the movie is only twelve hours away, but on the other hand, egad. Twelve hours! I think I will at least wear my hat. Perhaps my renaissance shirt, but then I'd have to wear the bodice...not sure if I could stand waiting in that thing! It's supposed to be relatively cool tonight as well. Go figure.
I'll let you know what I think tomorrow
Wish me luck at softball tonight!