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strange to think (five years)

Strange to think that five years ago today I saw my first Lord of the Rings movie. It was so long ago I have to link you to my first blog. Life has never been the same, eh?

What did I do before Orlando Bloom, elvish, Tolkien? I bet you can trace the upward movement of my lifetime word count in all my stories from December 2001 on...there were a few years there, in high school, I think, when I didn't write at all, unless required...yet now I have 150,000 words in three years, and probably equal to that with other writing projects.

And think of all the money I've spent on the franchise, eek ;)

listening to  John Mayer, Wheel (Live)
reading  Academ's Fury, Jim Butcher (yes, again)
file under: lordoftherings , writings
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