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been a long time

I've been on the same floor at work for four years. I wonder if they'll count the time in Applied Physiology as part of my time with this department; I had the same ultimate boss, after all...not like I get anything for being there four years, but if it is, then next year I get a certificate or something...I missed it, actually. It totally slipped my mind on the day that it happened. Of course, that could be because I was shopping...spent a horrific amount of money at the mall with Leah, who has much better taste in clothes than I. But I'm happy with what I got...will have to go back to Target at some point and see if they'll give me money back for charging me twice for one pair of shorts...

happy news: check your local theaters for sneak previews of Pirates 3 on the evening of Thursday the 24th! Be on the lookout for a new layout ;)

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