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Ready for Death(ly Hallows)

Just finished the 6th Harry Potter book (to the accompaniment of the 5th movie soundtrack, natch), and so am ready for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows this weekend. I'm totally dressing up. It will be fun. And perhaps good that I didn't manage to finish my Gryffindor scarf, as it will be in the mid- or upper-90s Friday, and unlikely to cool off much before midnight...

Found a bookmark in my copy that mentioned HBP's release date, and found it sort of scary that I started rereading the book for only the second time almost exactly two years to the day I read it on release day. Weird. Was rather more warm to it this time, what with taking two days to read it rather than only eight hours...I've got some thoughts, and I'm remembering how much I miss or hate certain characters. JK Rowling still has some odd ideas about teen romance (or perhaps I just had an abnormal experience in high school) but she's not *quite* as bad as George Lucas.

It will be interesting to see that one made into a movie.

Did a lot of web design over the weekend and today. October is going to be a good month. And I'm seriously (Siriusly) thinking of going to Archon, since I'd have HP friends going...gotta decide soon. Deadline is Friday.

Time for bed.

listening to  Fireworks (OotP soundtrack), Nicholas Hooper

file under: books


*waves his hand*

You want to go to Archon...


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