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aaaand...I'm done.

12:32 am to 6:18 am. I watched the sun come up as I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Well, damn, JK. You did a good job. The ending was pretty exciting. Satisfying, even.
Gonna put this next behind the cut just in case people don't want to know, but it's not all that spoilery, especially if you already read the Washington Post review, like I did.

I hate that you killed off some of my favorite characters, and did so callously. I'm glad that you answered questions. I'm glad you picked things up from long ago. I'm so glad I reread the books before this one. I hate that it's the end. And I had to laugh at the music on my iPod as I finished the final chapters: Transformation, from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and Resurrection, the final song in the soundtrack of The Passion of the Christ. Sometimes irony likes to be as subtle as a hammer.

And now it's time for bed, since I actually have things to do today.

listening to  The Shadow Proves the Sunshine, Switchfoot

file under: books


I knew you'd finish it in one night :-)

I knew you would too. I knew you'd be up as long as it took :-)

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