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It's snowing, a little

It's snowing, a little, this Thanksgiving night. Not a lot, and it won't stick. It was in the 70s yesterday, after all. But that's St. Louis for you.

Thought I'd make a note of what I'm thankful for. Even though I'm still about a thousand words behind in NaNo and I don't know when they're gonna get writ. They will though. Oh yes, they will.

Most of all, I'm thankful for my family. I am so grateful that I have parents that love me and that I can wholeheartedly say that I love them back. We have our issues and who doesn't, but we get over them. I love my aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents, and thank God so much that we can get together on days like this.

I'm thankful for the friends I have. The number is small and I still get lonely, but I'm working on both those things. Here's to friends new and old.

I'm thankful that I can write. Sometimes awfully and sometimes not so awfully. I'm glad I have a dream, and I hope I never ose it. And I hope that my gift (I have to think of it that way, or NaNo would kill me) will lead to some small recognition.

I'm thankful that I'm healthy, for the most part, and still in possession of a relatively fast metabolism. Though I need a workout buddy.

I'm thankful that I have a job and a car, and (usually) enough money to pay for the things I need. And some that I just want.

I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Stay warm and give someone a hug. They say you need 5 hugs a day to stay healthy. I got that today. Hope you did too.

reading  The Fall of the Kings, Ellen Kushner and Delia Sherman
file under: celebration
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