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So say we all

In the category of Jen catching on late to things is watching Battlestar Galactica. bsg.jpg
The main reason I didn't see it before now is that it's on cable, which I don't have at the apartment. Yes, I could have theoretically seen it at my parents' place (even saw the beginnings of a few of the 3rd season eps, when they aired after the short-lived The Dresden Files on SciFi last year) but a) my parents aren't really into scifi and b) I didn't want to start in the middle. The show sounded intriguing (even though I'm not all that into scifi myself) and most of the people who did like it told me I would enjoy it. Well, they were right, of course.

Thanks to Mike I've gotten to see the first season and a few eps of season 2, while trying to forget what I've seen of the 4th season (without really forgetting it, or the next week's ep won't make sense). So yes, it's a good show, lots of character development, politics, action, romance, mythology...and it's not always "shoot the ship! big splody! hyperspace jumps!" which, I'll admit, is my stereotype of scifi stuff. It's one of the reasons I don't read SF. There has to be good character development and the story has to be interesting. I don't care how many rooms are on the ship. But I do care about what's going on in the rooms (not that way! mind out of the gutter!), and BSG makes me care.

Well done, colonists. Here's to the final season. Yeah, yeah, I know I'm late. Irony is my life.

Another thing that makes me happy: Moonlight is back for a few episodes. Friday nights will be happy for Jen.

And we had an aftershock last night, from that earthquake last week, weird. At least I knew what it was this time.

reading  The Great Book of Amber, still. Will take a while to get through 1250 pages.
file under: muses
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