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So I saw the midnight show of Twilight last night. I liked it more than I thought I would. It was surprisingly good for a movie adaptation of a book, and I think most people would be satisfied with it.

I like going to the midnight shows, because you know people who go to them are just as excited about the movie as you are, and they (theoretically) understand it. Also, they usually have funny dialogue. I'm pretty sure the guy sitting behind me with his four other female friends was gay, which made for some hilarious comments whenever Rob Pattinson came on screen. He did play a very pretty vampire. Though he does have a bit of wild-eyed scary expressions, which, I suppose are okay for this type of movie...

(Slightly spoilery, I guess...)

Sometimes the paleness of the vampires didn't look real. You could tell they were wearing a lot of makeup. Also, it's hard to put eyeliner on guys and not have it look obvious.

The sparkling? Pretty good. I had an idea of how I thought it would look, and that's sort of what they went for, though I find it amusing at how Bella apparently sees things through soft focus and prismatic filters.

Yes, they cut quite a bit out (the movie is only two hours long) but I don't think they left anything terribly important. They did use lines from the book, thank goodness. The author makes a cameo.

I think there was some acting in the movie. The characters had a bit more life in this than in the book. Everyone was too pretty, even the humans.

I'd probably see it again, if only to look at RP again. He looks very nice, especially when he smiles. There you go, guys, smile at me and I'll think you're nice.

Now if I could only see Quantum of Solace,,,

file under: movies


Now if only Daniel Craig could end Twilight with a hail of gunfire...

Sorry, I had to...

Glad you liked it though.

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