Standard >> small & s c a t t e r e d >> The Friday Five

Really on Friday this time!

1. What is your favorite restaurant and why? Umm, Red Lobster, always, because it’s got damn good seafood. It should, for the price. Pasta House, cause well pasta is good. and they have da bomb toasted rav’s. That deep dish pizz place in Chicago that starts with a G and I can never remember the name of… and Pizzeria Uno’s here in town, because I love deep dish pizza. Chevy’s b/c they have great chips and chimichangas.

2. What fast food restaurant are you partial to? Steak ‘n’ Shake. or if you want a real ffr, Wendy’s.

3. What are your standards and rules for tipping? Je deteste tipping. I know it’s polite and stuff like that, but it’s like, we already paid for our food plus tax, and now we have to pay more for the server? Ugh. For all those out there who live for tips, I’m sorry, and I hope I don’t offend. I know that I would want tips if that’s what I worked for, but I hope never to be in the food service industry. I guess I’m just a hypocrite.

4. Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert? I adore appetizers. So usually those at a “fancy” restaurant… dessert only at regular places, but I try not to, it’s so bad for you, and I’m in training! yeah, just keep telling yourself that as you stuff your face

5. What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant? Water, b/c I’m a cheapskate. Milk sometimes. I am actually not a big fan of soda.

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