You’re Liz! Yep, you’re Liz Parker!
You’re a sweet girl who does good in school and you’re probably an ultra-virgin. You’re really into romance because love makes you go all mushy.
My advice: Remember not to lose your spine in the midst of all your lovey-doveyness. You can do great things when you use it.
Yep, you’re Max Evans!
Ack! What a loser. I can’t believe you’re on my site. (Just kidding, my mom’s a Max too.) You’re a leader who almost always does what’s right, and you’ve got an intense romantic side.
My advice: Stay sweet and romantic, and avoid the dark side. Otherwise it might turn you into an amoral arrogant self-righteous little snot a couple of years from now.
Wow, I’m so conventional. Sigh. I’m Roswell nostalgic right now because it’s official that they cancelled the show. My baby, never new again ‘cept for these last four eps. Sigh. I’ll miss the show.