you knew that was coming, huh? I feel so bad, I haven’t updated anything not even the track website. Sigh. Hiatus, anyone?
This design is slowly but squirrelly getting there. Not quite, though.
What other people accomplished at your age… At age 21:
Italian violinist and composer Giuseppe Tartini had a dream in which he sold his soul to the Devil. The piece he wrote upon waking, the “Devil’s Sonata,” was the best he ever wrote, though far inferior to the one he heard in his dream.
American novelist Herman Melville jumped ship and spent a month as the captive of a cannibal tribe. This became the source of his novel Typee.
Jack London went to the Klondike with the first rush of gold-seekers, returning home a year later as poor as when he had left.
English chemist Humphry Davy discovered nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”), and suggested that it may have use as an anaesthetic.
Thomas Alva Edison created his first invention, an electric vote recorder. After it failed to sell, he decided to devote his energy to inventions for which there was a market.
John Dillinger robbed a grocery store, was caught and spent 9 years in prison. He later became “public enemy number one,” before being gunned down by the FBI.
Luther Burbank purchased 17 acres of land near Lunenburg, Massachusetts and began a plant-breeding career that would span 55 years.
Pablo Casals made significant modifications in cello playing technique and was acclaimed as a master.
Pittsburgh songwriter Stephen Foster wrote “Oh! Susanna!” which quickly gained great popularity.
Future robber baron Jay Gould began investing in the leather business and speculating in railroad stocks.
Robert Browning publishes his first poetry; it is poorly received.
Alfred Tennyson publishes his first poetry; it is poorly received.
College dropout Steven Jobs co-founded Apple Computer. Ed. Note: go Mac!
Kinda makes you feel a little inadequate, huh? >> small & s c a t t e r e d >> The Friday Five
Really on Friday this time!
1. What is your favorite restaurant and why? Umm, Red Lobster, always, because it’s got damn good seafood. It should, for the price. Pasta House, cause well pasta is good. and they have da bomb toasted rav’s. That deep dish pizz place in Chicago that starts with a G and I can never remember the name of… and Pizzeria Uno’s here in town, because I love deep dish pizza. Chevy’s b/c they have great chips and chimichangas.
2. What fast food restaurant are you partial to? Steak ‘n’ Shake. or if you want a real ffr, Wendy’s.
3. What are your standards and rules for tipping? Je deteste tipping. I know it’s polite and stuff like that, but it’s like, we already paid for our food plus tax, and now we have to pay more for the server? Ugh. For all those out there who live for tips, I’m sorry, and I hope I don’t offend. I know that I would want tips if that’s what I worked for, but I hope never to be in the food service industry. I guess I’m just a hypocrite.
4. Do you usually order an appetizer and/or dessert? I adore appetizers. So usually those at a “fancy” restaurant… dessert only at regular places, but I try not to, it’s so bad for you, and I’m in training! yeah, just keep telling yourself that as you stuff your face
5. What do you usually order to drink at a restaurant? Water, b/c I’m a cheapskate. Milk sometimes. I am actually not a big fan of soda.
hmm. It turned dreary again. Sun, come out! I love you! I just found out that I used 78% of my posting quota last month. Hmmm. I guess it was all that quiz whoring. Sure you don’t like reading lots about me? Ha. I love it… but I guess I’m just narcissistic that way.
I told my mom about the poster presentation the week after next and she was like, “finally, some part of your homework that we can help you with!” lol. And some girl PF’s dad was talking to me at work today and he asked me and the building super if we talked the way we do now in back in high school. He thought we were very articulate. Obviously hasn’t heard college students at 3 AM trying to solve moment equations. Yeah. He probably wouldn’t want to read this blog.
After looking at some of the blogs out there, I feel very prolific. I must just ramble alot, though. I think that’s it. And to think, I do it all for myself, cause no one else reads this blog. Sigh. Off to track practice I am… and I have to do laundry tonight.
Must put hiatus sign up on the Realm. Someone else joined the clique! Yay! And get article from (Orli on Lego 🙂 )
Yay, it stopped raining… and I have to go to a design meeting, so I’ll see you later…like you care. Oh, and I did finish my physics, during class of course. And you should go here for a beautiful Legolas shrine. Wish I could do art like that. Congrats, whoever you are.
Yeah baby. Thunderstorm, and I got out of the rain just in time. Ahhh, gotta love April Showers. Just move your butt outta here by tomorrow, ya hea? We wanna run great at SIU-E and we can’t do that in the rain! Man, it was hot earlier today. And now it’s raining. I was thinking how I should have worn shorts, but then it goes and rains. Sigh. As long as it doesn’t rain on us tomorrow I’ll be happy.
I hate how I totally forgot about physics homework today. And of course it involves integrating. I hate integration. I am so math-impaired… yet I’m an engineer. Does anyone else find that extremely ironic? Going to lunch & class now…
You’re Liz! Yep, you’re Liz Parker!
You’re a sweet girl who does good in school and you’re probably an ultra-virgin. You’re really into romance because love makes you go all mushy.
My advice: Remember not to lose your spine in the midst of all your lovey-doveyness. You can do great things when you use it.
Yep, you’re Max Evans!
Ack! What a loser. I can’t believe you’re on my site. (Just kidding, my mom’s a Max too.) You’re a leader who almost always does what’s right, and you’ve got an intense romantic side.
My advice: Stay sweet and romantic, and avoid the dark side. Otherwise it might turn you into an amoral arrogant self-righteous little snot a couple of years from now.
Wow, I’m so conventional. Sigh. I’m Roswell nostalgic right now because it’s official that they cancelled the show. My baby, never new again ‘cept for these last four eps. Sigh. I’ll miss the show.
oh my god, my parents’ anniversary is in a week and a half! Oh dear. At least it’s not an anniversary divisible by five… I don’t have to get them a really fancy present like I did last year for their 25th… but still, chalk another thing up on the “I’ve got too much to do right now so I’ll put it off till later” board….
And you know what? there are still people who joined my clique that I haven’t gotten to put up yet. I’m so sorry! I will soon, like within two months….