
oh grr. I hate windows. This program has performed an illegal action and will be shut down, and take all of your post with it. sigh.

Lammy, I won’t be on later. The lab’s not open on friday nights. Only weird people like me want to do work then. I’m just a computer nerd, I guess.

So, what I was blathering about before was that work is hard. I wish I knew what I was doing RIGHT NOW. And I really don’t. I feel confused and inept and rather useless. The people at the lab are being nice to me, but there are at least two doctors (aside from the doctor that I actually work for) and when you’re that smart it is really hard to deal with inexperienced peons like me. At least my cells aren’t dead.

I realize that I have to learn it all before I can really feel confident, but jeez, I thought I had gotten out of the “I have absolutely NO idea what I’m supposed to be doing” phase once I finished college. Apparently not. This is a steep learning curve, and I wish it would be faster. Sigh.

On the upside, I feel tall, because everyone in the lab (minus one woman) is Asian, so I practically tower over them. Even the non-Asian. Well, not practically tower, but they can’t look down on me. Which isn’t the greatest thing in the world. I don’t really want to be tall there.

I miss ethernet, and I miss my weekends. If I’m lucky it looks like I’ll get one day off. Sigh.

I’ll stop whining now. Why don’t you comment?

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