
Lol. Anybody want to go to a DMB or John Mayer concert with me? Lammy, I know you’d go, if only you were here in town….

There’s a Sense Field concert tonight (!) that I never heard about, and I’d love to go (you know they have that really great song, Save Yourself? But I don’t have anyone to go with and I’m sure my parents will say no.

And that DMB concert? I (stupidly, now that I think of it) ordered the ticket for my birthday night. Oh well. Hopefully one of my friends can go with me. I won’t get to go out for a birthday dinner… course, turning 22 isn’t all that big of a deal. I guess the next big one is when I’m 25 and can rent a car with no problem… but the next one (gulp!) would be my 30th! Good lord, at the end of my third decade. I’m not morbid or anything.

I just hope it works out. And I wonder what my parents would say if I asked them about the concert. Sigh.

Oh yes, good book of the week. The Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass. It started off slow but really hooks you by the end. And there’s another five books in the series. I can’t wait.

Me out.

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