PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 2.41
1. What’s the most expensive meal you’ve ever eaten? What was the occasion? Was it worth it? There was a meal with my dad’s side of the family that went somewhere around $150 at an authentic Chinese restaurant (as opposed to americanized chinese). I don’t usually see the check though. Thats Daddy’s job.
2. What do you like to do when nobody is looking? Read romance novels. Write my story. Illustrate my story.
3. What’s your special purpose? I have one? Do you know what it is? If you find out, please tell me, cause I have no clue. I don’t even have a niche at work yet.
4. Do you like Autumn? If so, why? If not, tell me about your favorite season. I like autumn because of the temperature and the fall color. Who doesn’t? I know it can be called the season of dying, but at least the trees look pretty while doing it. You can run without sweating so much, although sometimes you can freeze…. I like summer, cause it’s pooltime and funtime, and traditionally associated with vacation, although that has definitely changed… I like winter if it snows. and I like spring because of track season.
5. Ever recommended a movie to someone only to have them hate it? Which movie? Did you feel uncomfortable about that? I can’t think of one. We usually only go to movies if we really want to see them, and would only recommend them if we really liked it.
6. I’ve had hay fever all day! Sniffles, sneezing, I tell ya, it’s awful! Do you have any allergies? Anything that just gets you down for the count? Occasionally I have hayfever, but I take my Nasalcrom and I’m good to go. And if my nose is running, all I have to do is actually start running, and it stops, lol 🙂
7. Do you like mixed drinks? What is your favorite? As long as we’re here how about you order me something too? Just “suprise me!” I adore amaretto sours. Give me a strawberry margarita and I’m in heaven. I’d like to try a Jack Frost, as recommended by Rae…so why don’t you have one of those and tell me what it’s like?
BONUS: Why do we scream at each other?
We do? I usually just get angry and pout.