
This or That on a subject very very near and dear to my heart: reading!

1. Newspapers or magazines? Magazines, although I won’t pass up a newspaper if it’s there.

2. Books-on-tape or regular books? Regular books. There’s nothing like holding a book in your hands.

3. Paperback or hardcover? I loooooove hardcover books. I HATE to pay for them. So I usually try to restrain myself and buy the paperback when it comes out…and hope the library has the hardcover to keep me satisfied!

4. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction. Unless it’s true crime or somewhat scientific.

5. Sci-Fi/Fantasy or romance novels? Fantasy with a little bit of romance mixed in.

6. Borrow from library or buy books (either new or used)? I like to have books be *mine* but I know I can’t spend *that* much money on books. I check out from the library as much as I can, unless it’s new fantasy, in which case I might just be screwed.

7. Subscribe to magazines or buy on newsstand? Subscribe.

8. Current best-sellers or classic literature? Usually best-sellers.

9. Read books once, or re-read favorites every so often? Re-read favorites many many times, sometimes back to back…depends on how good the book was.

10. Here in the U.S., we have two hot best-sellers…former First Lady Hillary Clinton’s memoirs, and the new Harry Potter book (coming out June 21). If you had to read one, which one…Hillary or Harry? Why? Harry Potter, definitely. I want to know what happens! Alas, I’m going to have to wait until someone buys me the hardcover or 400+ people read it quickly from the library hold list…I’m not going to spend $25 or whatever it costs on the hardcover when I can buy the paperback for $8…but I hope people read quickly!

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