
the friday five:

1. If your life were a movie, what would the title be? Aspire to the Stars (why not make it easy on myself, eh?)

2. What songs would be on the soundtrack? Music from other soundtracks 😉 Some John Mayer, DMB, U2, Michelle Branch or Vanessa Carlton, and a song or two I wrote/sang myself. James Horner or Hans Zimmer would do the score.

3. Would it be a live-action film or animated? Why? Live-action…I just can’t see myself as a cartoon.

4. Casting: who would play you, members of your family, friends, etc? Me I have no idea. I’m terrible at guessing who would play who. You’re not going to find too many celebrities that look like me. Any guesses welcome…for parents, nice venerable actors who everybody loves. Don’t know who that’d be though 😉

5. Describe the movie preview/trailer. Well, it would have something about how I struggled to be accepted cause I was smart when I was little, how I fell in love with reading, the *interesting* relationships I had, a big track and field section with the winning of a race set to U2’s “Where the Streets Have No Name” intro…hopefully it would have something about how I helped the world of science and then published my own book. Or two.

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