Bring them home, now


bring them home now

Too bad I missed the boat…the tour was here for Labor Day weekend. Amazing the amount of things that go on when I can’t get to them…there was the Japanese Festival at the Botanical Gardens (with real sumo wrestlers!) and the Greek festival, which I made it to for dinner tonight with Kate, yay! But lots of other things were going on and I was being nice and helped my mother with the Queeny Art show (which Bernard showed up at! Yay for collegues coming to support the arts). I will admit an ulterior motive or two in that they fed me and some profits went to my newly-acquired digital camera (double yay!) and I actually*like* my parents, so I suppose it wasn’t a bad deal.

Now I have to go take care of the clothes that weren’t dry *at all* from the longest spin in the dryer and take a peek at my anatomy/physiology book. Until the next time!

(PS: Michael Moore is at it again, of course. I still can’t believe that the country re-elected Bush. I’m proud of the St. Louis island of blue in the sea of Missouri red. Sigh. No more politics tonight! Tired and wishing the holiday was a day longer…)

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