Michael Kenneally


Michael Kenneally 

Originally shared by Doug Lance

Call for submissions of short stories of all genres for royalty compensation in digital magazines distributed everywhere.

Hello writers of Google Plus!

Doug Lance, Editor-in-Chief of eFiction Publishing, here to announce that eFiction is going paid! 

Starting with next month’s issues, all writers who contribute to magazines produced by eFiction Publishing will be compensated with royalties from individual issue sales starting one month after publication until the end of time. The magazines included are: eFiction, eHorror, eSciFi, eFantasy, eRomance, eSteampunk, and eNoir. 

To accomplish this feat, something no other fiction magazines do, we have automated the royalty process. We  feed sales data directly into an automated process to send your royalty money direct to you without any human intervention. That means, we can make the ~50 new royalty agreements a month to support all of the magazines. It also means, that no matter what genre you write, we have a place to feature your work and the means to compensate you for it. 

As always, I am open to feedback and for people to participate with the company. Volunteer and internship positions available. 


Submission Guidelines:




We want one month exclusivity for your story. So when your story runs in one of the magazines, from when the day the issue comes out for one month it cannot be up anywhere else online. After that one month exclusive period, you can republish the story elsewhere. This means that previously published work (as long as you hold the rights to it) is OK, and after the one month exclusive period, you may publish the work elsewhere. You retain your rights.


Story Selection

Placement in issues is determined by a peer committee of volunteer writers and readers. Apply to join the committee of submissions readers (https://efictionmag.submittable.com/submit/15447). Joining gives you a vote on all stories submitted in the genre(s) of your choice.

Submissions that are declined are encouraged to be posted in The Workshop for feedback and resubmission. The Workshop is a closed group for eFiction writers (work posted there cannot by accessed by any person or program other than registered eFiction members). It uses Google Docs in combination with a point incentive system to promote high-quality, precise feedback. Apply to join The Workshop (http://efictionmag.com/groups/workshop).



Writers who contribute a piece of writing are entitled to a lifetime royalty on individual issues sales. The participating writers for each issue split 50% of individual issue sales revenue. So from a month from the day the story is released, until the end of time, our system will track sales of issues your stories are in and have an account for you which will pay out automatically as soon as the total amount is enough to make sense to send your way. A royalty agreement will be included with acceptance letter.



The magazines are up for subscription sale through Barnes and Noble(http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/efiction-publishing) and the eFiction website(http://amzn.to/eFicMag). B&N is a new placement, so we don’t have numbers yet for most magazines. eFiction Magazine has a few hundred subscribers there already. eFiction Magazine(http://www.amzn.to/eFicMag) alone is available for subscription sale through Amazon. The majority of our subscribers get us through Amazon. I am under an NDA to not disclose numbers but I can say that we are above 1000 and below 5000 subscribers. We are working hard to expand distribution of subscription options. 

Individual issues, the sales that generate cash for writers, are sold *everywhere* ebooks are sold. eFiction Magazine, the most literary of the bunch, is in the Top 5 Best Rated Arts & Entertainment magazine in the Kindle store. Sales data of these issues is available upon request(http://is.gd/pVrhRB). We are releasing print versions later this year that will be in bookstores worldwide. 


Proper formatting puts your manuscript ahead of every poorly formatted piece when we first open it. The perfect submission has:


* Contact info in the top left.

* Word count in the top right.

* Title centered on the page with only name (or pen name) underneath.

* No special text characters.

* Standard serif font in about 12 point.

* Single spaced paragraphs. Use only double paragraphs or three stars (* * *) for scene changes. 

* .RTF, .DOC, or .DOCX format.

View submission manager to submit:



I am here to answer all questions, comments, and concerns. Thanks for supporting eFiction, even if it’s just a reshare.

P.S. If you’re not ready to submit a piece of writing, but would still like to earn money with eFiction, check out the sales position (http://efictionmag.submittable.com/submit/19541) posted today. Or apply to edit your own magazine with eFiction (http://efictionmag.submittable.com/submit/7287)

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