Jen reads Golden Son (Red Rising Trilogy #2)
In which Jen reads GOLDEN SON and has to admit it’s pretty good sci-fi.
Jen reads Golden Son (Red Rising Trilogy #2)
In which Jen reads GOLDEN SON and has to admit it’s pretty good sci-fi.
Anyone want to take a Crossfit class with me at Ballpark Village? #workout #baseball #stl
Science and Starry Night
Turbulence by way of brushstrokes.
I’m in awe at the amount of work that went into making such a deceptively simple cosplay structure. #interstellar #tars
Go Cards! #homeopener
Here’s a sneak peek at what you can find at the Art Fair at Queeny Park this weekend!
I’m taking it to the next level with Nike+ Training Club. #NTC
Here’s some fodder for your sports trivia night. #baseball
Pastor (from Pittsburgh): “Now, the 1905 World’s Fair was the last to be profitable –“
Someone in the audience (a native St. Louisan, presumably): “1904.”
Pastor: …
Pastor: “God humbles the proud.”
Pastor: “And behold, there was a great earthquake –“
folding chair falls in the aisle next to the pew
congregation laughs
Pastor: “That wasn’t that great, but you get the idea…” #Easter