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More than you wanted to know, probably

1.) LIVING ARRANGEMENT: Now that I'm out of college... yes, I did move back home. Just the 'rents, me and one parakeet.

2.) WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW: at this exact moment, Dennis L. McKiernan's Once Upon a Winter's Night, also going through a romance phase, cause as you all know there is none in my reality

2b.)WHAT CD IS IN YOUR CD PLAYER: a cd that I made with relatively current music like hero, somewhere out there, The Remedy, Where are you going, etc... and John Mayer (gotta get ready for his concert smile

3.) WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD: an animation of the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas being demolished and rebuilt. (Yep, that was a freebie)

4.) FAVORITE BOARD GAME: If you can call it a board game, Volcano Island or whatever it's called cause you get to set up the little "volcanoes" so they roll all over the board. Kind of like Mousetrap. That's a good one too smile


6.) FAVORITE SMELLS: bread, chicken & dumplings, apple pie


8.) FAVORITE SOUNDS: The Hallelujah Chorus. Water.Thunder. My mom & I harmonizing.

9.) WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: not knowing the answer to a question posed by your boss, or realizing that you made a huge mistake (occasionally in front of your boss)

10.) FIRST THING YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU WAKE UP: do I have time for the snooze button? or you've got to be joking.

11.) FAVORITE COLOR: forest green. silver.

12.) HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER THE PHONE: at home: 1, cause that's how long it takes to show up on caller id; at work: as many as possible. I hate to answer the phone there cause a) they're usually speaking Korean and you have to try to understand and b) it's never for me.

13.) FUTURE CHILD'S NAME: boy: Brandon, Jonathan, Lucas; girl: Ariel, Lauren

14.) WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT IN LIFE: making a dream come true.

15.) FAVORITE FOODS: Pasta, pizza, pineapples... strawberry tarts, apple cream cheese puffs.

16.) CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: usually vanilla.

17.) DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST: hell yeah! but I'm trying to avoid my first speeding ticket.

18.) DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL: unfortunately, yes.

19.) STORMS- COOL OR SCARY: used to be scared, but love 'em now.

20.) WHAT TYPE WAS YOUR FIRST CAR: not one of my own yet, but I usually drive a Saturn.


WOULD IT BE: One of my actor crushes. Just once! I'd take anything smile

22.) FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK: strawberry margaritas


24.) DO YOU EAT STEMS OF BROCCOLI: didn't used to, now I do


WOULD IT BE: a web designer for a biomedical engineering company with my own design company on the side and a part-time job as a broadway actress/dancer

26.) IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR: Probably just a little redder.


28.) FAVORITE MOVIES: Lord of the Rings. Braveheart. Titanic. Legends of the Fall. Harry Potter. Most Disney movies.

29.) DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS: occasionally. Thank God for instant messenger, it taught me how to type smile

30.) WHATS UNDER YOUR BED: good lord, I have no idea. Some shoes, random papers, and a helluva lot of dust bunnies. It really needs to be cleaned.

31.) WHATS YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER: 27. anything else with 7's.

32.) FAVORITE SPORT TO WATCH: basketball.

33.) THING ABOUT THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU: I stole it off Punzie's blog... she's an Orli freak just like me smile

..:Have You Ever:..

1.Jumped off a bridge: No.

2.Gone bungee-jumping: no

3.Jumped off a cliff: no

4.Laugh so hard you cried: yes

5.Have you ever tripped over a Port-O-Potty: excuse me??

6.Have you ever went to the bathroom in the woods: of course, what else are you supposed to do when camping? Hug a tree, baby!

7.Got eaten by a turtle: oh, of course, he swallowed a computer too, that's how I'm typing this...

8.Jumped in a lake naked: No.

9.Sniffed a flower and got high: umm, no

10.Jumped out a window: climbed out the second story window onto the roof of my grandparents house...

. ..:Favorites:..

13.Drink: milk

14.Animal: Parakeet: Sapphire, but I want a cat. A cougar would be nice.

15.Sports: Track & Field

16.TV shows: Roswell (sniff). Buffy. Angel. CSI. Alias

17.Flower: stephenotis. Calla lillies.

18.Season: spring (b/c of track) and summer

19.Color: Green!

20.Person: I'm supposed to choose??

21.Radio station: 101.1 the River.

22.Animated character: Belle. She's exactly like me.

24.Ice cream: Pevely's Chocolate Chip cookie dough, and strawberry, always.

26.Memory of the past week: nearly freaking out over a possible radioactive spill at the lab.

28.Perfume/Cologne: Bath & Body Works Happiness. Whatever my mom uses.

29.Song: Right now? Where are you going, by DMB.

30.Band/Group: NSync. I don't care if you laugh.

31.Singer: John Mayer. Ricky Martin. Enrique Iglesias.

32.Book: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Wayfarer Redemption, The Forever King, Rhapsody... I could go on and on and on...

33.Word: sweet!

34.Phrase: yeah, baby! or amin irma na edhel

36.Time of day: whenever I'm reading or on the internet or doing something creative.

37.Favorite Subject: fiction smile

38.Favorite Teacher: no teachers anymore!

39.Favorite Grade: well, I know I had a damn good time in third grade...

41.State: Missouri, of course.

42.Computer game: Snood or Solitare

43.Video Game: I...don't...have...a...video...game...system... never have.

44.Computer Brand: Apple, baby! Macs all the way.

45.Airline: erm. Southwest, just cause they're cheaper... but AA is good too.

46.Shampoo: Pantene.

47.CD: just about any soundtrack.

..:Which Do You Prefer:..

49.Love/Lust: Love.

50.Phone/AOL: phone

51.TV/Music: music

52.Brunette/Blonde: brunette

53.Cat/Dog: cat

54.Mud/Jello wrestling: jello

55.MTV/VH1: MTV Hits

56.X-mas/B-day: Birthday. Not quite so stressful. Although it sure doesn't have a chance at snowing on my birthday.

57.Tape/CD: cd.

58.Night/Day: night.

59.TV or radio: radio, cause I can't work with the tv on

60.Computer or phone: computer

61.Outside or inside: outside

62.Sandals or sneakers: sneakers. it's tough to run in sandals

63.Tank tops or tee shirts: tees, just cause it gets too cold in the ac with a tank, and we couldn't wear them in high school...

64.Shorts or pants: shorts

65.Sweat pants or jeans: jeans

. ..:Yes Or No:..

67.Do you believe in love at first sight: yes

68.Have you ever been in love: yes

file under: memes


Orli freak? Me? :innocent:

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